Noticias » Seguridad Física: VideoVigilancia » Administración Pública

Glasgow despliega el PSIM de Nice Systems

Usa PSIM y de gestión de vídeo para sus operaciones diarias y eventos mayores

Por Redacción
Actualizado el 12 de junio, 2014 - 14.07hs.

Nice Systems ( ha anunciado que la ciudad de Glasgow, en Escocia, ha desplegado sus soluciones de seguridad para mejorar la infraestructura de seguridad de la ciudadanía. La implemenración , que incluye Nice Situator y NiceVision para la gestión de vídeo, ayudará a que la ciudad fortalezca sus operaciones diarias y que mejore la respuesta frente a incidentes. Más abajo la noticia completa en inglés.

Glasgow was recently awarded funding from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Future Cities Demonstrator competition to show what can be achieved by innovative use of today's technology.

The city is using NICE Situator, an advanced Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) system, to consolidate data from various city-wide services like Public Space CCTV and traffic control within a single operations center. This information is filtered into pre-defined response plans to help operators better manage situations in real time. It also provides improved visibility and control of different sensors and better collaboration across relevant security and safety departments.

This initiative fuses Community Safety Glasgow’s (CSG) CCTV operation with Traffcom, the Glasgow City Council team which monitors the city’s road networks, traffic lights, and traffic cameras. By pooling these resources, CSG and Traffcom now have joint access to the city’s entire network of live and recorded CCTV footage.

As part of the £24m Future Cities Glasgow program, the city will also install an advanced digital camera network to be integrated with Situator. Any unusual activity that is detected over the cameras will trigger an alarm in the command center, prompting further investigation by emergency services.

Phil Walker, Managing Director of Community Safety Glasgow

“The NICE solutions will enable us to address safety and security requirements, and beyond that the solutions can be further scaled in the coming months and years to help us improve city services and crime prevention. We have also been impressed with NICE’s ability to help us deploy the solution in a short amount of time.”

Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President, NICE Security Group

“This deployment reinforces our expertise in helping cities around the world manage day-to-day life, as well as large-scale events, from both a security and operational perspective. We are very pleased to be a key player in safeguarding the city’s facilities as well as the huge influx of visitors that are expected this summer, and look forward to a continued partnership with the city of Glasgow. Glasgow is the first city in the UK to earn a ‘Safe City’ status, fully utilizing the capabilities that NICE Situator can provide.”

NICE’s security solutions help organizations capture, analyze and leverage big data to anticipate, manage and mitigate security and safety risks, improve operations, and make the world a safer place. The NICE security, intelligence and cyber offerings provide valuable insights that enable enterprises and governments to take the best action at the right time by correlating structured and unstructured data from multiple sensors and channels, detecting irregular patterns, and recognizing trends. NICE Security solutions are used by thousands of customers worldwide, including transportation systems, critical infrastructure, city centers, banks, enterprises and government agencies.









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