Noticias » Ciberseguridad: Ciberseguridad » Administración Pública

Gobierno de Singapur usa tecnología de Vasco para asegurar el acceso a servicios públicos en línea

Assurity Trusted Solutions will Enhance Security for Citizen Account Access with OneKey Authenticator Based on Vasco DIGIPASS 275

Por Redacción
Actualizado el 25 de marzo, 2015 - 15.21hs.

Vasco Data Security International, Inc., specialist in authentication, electronic signatures, and identity management, announced today that Assurity Trusted Solutions (Assurity), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the InfoComm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), has been selected by the Singapore Government to provide SingPass users with the ability to secure their e-government transactions using a two-factor authenticator developed by Vasco.

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