Noticias » Seguridad Física: Biometría » Banca y Finanzas

La huella dactilar es más segura que el pin en los cajeros, según

SmartMetric, the maker of fingerprint biometric payments and security cards, says that some misconceptions exist about biometrics and more specifically, fingerprint biometrics.

Por Redacción
Actualizado el 19 de agosto, 2016 - 19.04hs.

One of the first misconceptions is that a credit card or ATM cards PIN number is safer than fingerprint biometrics because someone can copy a persons fingerprint. Reality, PIN's and passwords have been proven to be so poor security methods that the ease of hacking PIN's and passwords has contributed greatly to the credit card fraud disaster. It is reported that credit card fraud annually in 2104 in the United States alone was $8 billion.

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