Noticias » Ciberseguridad: Ciberseguridad » Industria y Fabricación

Building highly parallel rugged computers for electronic warfare

Electronic warfare systems are among the most challenging embedded systems to design and deploy.

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Actualizado el 2 de marzo, 2017 - 17.14hs.

Electronic warfare systems are among the most challenging embedded systems to design and deploy. Not only do they require voracious amounts of signal processing, they also require more mundane server-style processing (for signal library maintenance, data logging, etc.) and are often packaged in extremely size, weight, and power (SWaP)-constrained environments such as under wing pods. As a result, advanced EW systems can benefit from consolidating workloads on a single machine with the means to efficiently execute these two very different processing problems using parallel virtual machine (VM) execution. Modern commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) 3U VPX boards based on Intel server-class processors are a compelling option for these sorts of systems.

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