Full title: Analytical Assessment of Leachables in Biological Drug Products: FDA Approach and Experience in Reviewing Information Biological drug products (biologicals; such as therapeutic proteins, vaccine-, gene-, and cell therapy-based) are produced via multi-step processes involving multiple materials contacting intermediates and sourcing numerous leachables into final drug products (DP). Such steps involve (i) purification of intermediates using chromatography, centrifuging, dialysis, filtering, and filling in final container closure system, etc., (ii) shelf-life storage and (iii) in-use hold of DP. The respective contact materials involve chromatography resins, filtering/dialysis membranes, tubing, collecting bags/tanks, gaskets, valves, final container closure systems, etc. By these, the assessment of leachables risk in biologics is the most challenging compared to other types of DPs. However, current guidances are generally focused on assessment of the leachables only from single manufacturing components, scored to be high-risk for leachables, and by this, underestimate other components scored to have the lower risk. Following these directions, manufacturers typically perform the assessments only for the high-risk components and by this, underestimate the contribution of other materials to the overall (cumulative) leachables profile in final DP. Other typical issues involve (i) non-validation of analytical methods, resulting in ambiguity in Analytical Uncertainty Factor (AUF) used for calculation of the Analytical Evaluation Threshold (AET; reporting limit in an assay), (ii) missing the assessment of elemental (ionic) leachables, or (iii) incorrect leachables study design; altogether also resulting in potential underestimation of the leachables risk. These issues usually cause multiple back-and-forth communications between the FDA and Sponsor during the applications’ (BLAs and supplements) review, typically ending up with post-marketing requirements.


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