NIS 2 is coming. Are You Ready? - Seguridad - España y América Latina
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Lunes 1 de Jul, 2024
Webinar Overview The Network and Information Security (NIS) 2 directive reshapes cybersecurity in post-COVID-19 Europe. It supersedes NIS 1 by introducing new security and infrastructure requirements for EU companies delivering critical services and, for the first time, includes new measures that hold C-suite executives personally liable for requirement infringements. Member States must adopt NIS 2 by October 17th, 2024, enforcing it for Essential and Important Entities. Join Andrea Napoli, CISSP, Product Marketing Manager, in our upcoming webinar, where he will cover the following: NIS2: Understand the new directives and their organizational impacts Navigating NIS 2: Learn how to navigate NIS2 by adopting a cybersecurity blueprint like the NIST Cyber Security Framework. Complying with NIS 2: Explore how SASE can help your organization meet NIS 2 obligations and fill your security gaps reliably and quickly.
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La Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras (APBA) ha instalado cámaras térmicas en las zonas de mayor tránsito de pasajeros del puerto para controlar la temperatura corporal de los pasajeros sin necesidad de pararles. ... Leer más ►
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