Fast-Track True Cloud-Native Investigation: Win the Race Against Cybercriminals - Seguridad - España y América Latina
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Miércoles 10 de Jul, 2024
Cloud attacks are fast. Malicious actors leverage automation and other sophisticated techniques, executing attacks in less than 10 minutes on average. Security teams need to investigate and assess the situation to initiate an immediate response, but unfortunately, this is rarely the case. The overwhelming amount of data available in the cloud often needs more security context, slowing investigations to a crawl, as analysts are forced to collect and correlate evidence across multiple tools and domains manually. So, how can security teams accelerate cloud investigation to combat these fast-moving threats? By joining this session, you'll gain valuable insights on: - The importance of achieving the 5/5/5 benchmark for cloud detection and response – 5 seconds to detect, 5 minutes to triage, 5 minutes to respond. - How to streamline investigation, minimizing manual effort from your security operations team. - Key considerations for selecting security tooling optimized for swift investigation and response. Speaker(s): Matthew Rosenquist, Innovative CISO and Cybersecurity Strategist Jamie Butler, Head of Runtime Protection and Response Strategy, Sysdig Shantanu Gattani, VP, Product Management, Sysdig
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