According to our Cloud Storage Index Report, 90% of organizations anticipate increasing their cloud storage capacity this year. Discover how managed service providers are enabling their customers to embrace the cloud as they adopt new technologies like IoT and AI and modernize tools for remote collaboration, building a storage-as-a-service business built to scale growing data needs. Join us on another next episode of Spicy Service Providers, where we gain insights into how Sherweb leverages a multi-tenant cloud architecture to grow their business. From understanding the average cost per customer or fees associated with accessing stored data, lack of visibility continues to grow as a concern for adopting cloud storage. Managed service providers are needed now more than ever to help organizations understand what is happening in cloud environments and drive growth over waste. No organization is the same, with IT requirements and initiatives constantly evolving. By demonstrating expertise in cloud economics and helping clients navigate the complexities of multiple IT environments, MSPs can position themselves as trusted advisors and strategic partners in their clients’ digital transformation journey. We will dive into Sherweb’s successes and insights into understanding multi-tenant cloud architecture and how it’s essential for MSPs to effectively serve their clients and stay ahead of an ever-evolving technology landscape. What you will learn: - Understanding Multi-tenancy in cloud computing - Challenges with building a multi-tenant cloud architecture - Simplifying multi-tenant cloud architecture with Wasabi Account Control Manager - Best practices in building your storage-as-service business model Speakers: Guy Sauve, Sherweb Jonathan Chaput, Sherweb Shannon Lynch, Industry Marketing Manager, Wasabi Technologies


17:00 - 18:00 hs GMT+1



Wasabi Technologies
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