SIG Download: Episode 11 - Amateur Intelligence: Threats of a Lowered Technical Barrier - Seguridad - España y América Latina
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Miércoles 25 de Set, 2024
Between generative AI and the multitude of ready-built malware readily available, the technical barrier to entry for attackers has been significantly lowered. This creates even more strain for defenders - even “amateurs” can achieve successful exploitation against a mature organization. Join us for episode 11 of our Monthly Threat Brief: The SIG Download series, featuring Tricia Howard and Or Zuckerman, Senior Cyber Security Researcher at Akamai. In this episode, through a real life example from our Hunt team, Tricia and Or will discuss how you can heighten your defenses to account for this new gap. They will also review recent security incidents from the past 30 days and offer expert advice on defense tactics.
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