Edge computing plays a crucial role in industrial automation, particularly in enhancing communications. Here’s how: 1. REDUCED LATENCY: By processing data closer to the source, edge computing minimizes the need to send data to a centralized cloud or data center. This significantly reduces latency, allowing for near-real-time decision-making and control. 2. IMPROVED RELIABILITY: Industrial environments often have connectivity challenges, such as network interruptions or bandwidth limitations. Edge computing ensures that essential operations can continue even if the connection to the central cloud is disrupted, enhancing system reliability and uptime. 3. EFFICIENT BANDWIDTH USAGE: Edge computing reduces the amount of data that needs to be transmitted to the cloud by filtering, aggregating, and analyzing data locally. Only the most relevant or summarized data is sent, which optimizes bandwidth usage and reduces communication costs. 4. ENHANCED SECURITY: Sensitive data can be processed and stored locally at the edge, minimizing the risk of exposure during transmission to the cloud. This decentralized approach can improve data security and compliance with regulations, especially in industries with stringent data protection requirements. 5. SCALABILITY: As industrial operations grow and more devices are connected (through IoT expansion), edge computing can help manage the increased data load without overwhelming central systems. It allows for scalable deployment of resources where they are needed most, at the edge of the network. 6. SUPPORT FOR REAL-TIME ANALYTICS AND AI: Edge computing enables the deployment of AI and machine learning algorithms directly at the production site. This capability supports real-time analytics and decision-making, improving process efficiency and productivity without relying on distant cloud resources. Tune into this session to learn more.


22:00 - 23:00 hs GMT+1



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