Unlocking Success: Navigating the Pitfalls of Privileged Access Management Deployment - Seguridad Mania.com - España y América Latina
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Lunes 9 de Dic, 2024
As with any piece of enterprise software, choosing and buying a PAM solution is a fraction of the battle. Many installations fail or never get rolled out fully due to deployment complications and competing priorities. In this webinar, we will discuss common pitfalls, where implementations typically fail, and what you can do to make sure you are fully prepared to deploy and roll out PAM successfully in your organization. Join this session to: • Understand why many PAM rollouts fail • Explore best practices around deployment • Put a plan for success together • Learn about new methodologies that can facilitate success
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La Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras (APBA) ha instalado cámaras térmicas en las zonas de mayor tránsito de pasajeros del puerto para controlar la temperatura corporal de los pasajeros sin necesidad de pararles. ... Leer más ►
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