Evolve Your Endpoint Security Strategy to Stay in Step with New Regulations - Seguridad Mania.com - España y América Latina
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Martes 17 de Dic, 2024
Endpoints are subject to increasingly frequent and sophisticated attacks. Governments across the globe have responded to growing cybersecurity risks with new legislation to combat the modern threat landscape. As businesses look to scale and move to the cloud, the growing numbers and types of endpoints and attack vectors create challenges for planning and implementing a compliant and effective endpoint security program. In this session, we will discuss strategies for achieving endpoint security compliance in response to new regulations and rapidly evolving threats. Register to gain valuable insights into: -New rules and regulations affecting your endpoint security strategy -The role of endpoint security in incident readiness and response -Key components of a compliant and robust endpoint security program -How LevelBlue can help unify your security strategy across mobile, cloud, and traditional endpoints
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