Data Backup Security: Integrating UDP with Nexsan for Immutable Storage - Seguridad - España y América Latina
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Martes 18 de Mar, 2025
Safeguarding your data has never been more critical. In a time where ransomware attacks are one of the biggest threats to your business, enhancing your knowledge and strategy is key. Join Arcserve’s, Carl Green, and Nexsan’s, Richard Hornsby, for our exclusive webinar, where we explore how the powerful combination of UDP and Nexsan’s Immutable Snapshots can revolutionise your backup and recovery strategy. Key Takeaways: • Learn how Nexsan’s immutable snapshots safeguard your data from unauthorised changes. • Explore UDP’s role in enhancing data recovery speed and reliability. • Understand how this integration offers end-to-end data protection and security. • Get answers to your questions during our live Q&A session. Register now to secure your spot on Tuesday 18th March 2025. Can't attend this date? Please sign up anyway and we'll send you a recording once the event has taken place.
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