Balancing AI to Create a Sustainable Future - Seguridad - España y América Latina
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Martes 28 de Mar, 2023
We all have a responsibility to make smarter decisions, as individuals, as businesses and as corporations. This does not stop at AI. AI represents a real value for the move towards Net Zero, for example, it can help businesses identify areas of waste and inefficiency. This being said, studies have found that many aspects of AI, for example, training a deep learning model, can result in the emission of hundreds of thousands of kilograms of C02. In this episode, we’ll explore how AI can drive sustainability, where we’ve gone wrong with AI, and how we can ensure that as we face the future, AI continues to be a source of potential in the bid to net zero. Join us as we discuss: - How AI is driving sustainability across different industries - How to leverage the potential of AI without worsening the issue at hand - AI and sustainability - where will we be in five years time? - And much more!
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La Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras (APBA) ha instalado cámaras térmicas en las zonas de mayor tránsito de pasajeros del puerto para controlar la temperatura corporal de los pasajeros sin necesidad de pararles. ... Leer más ►
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