The Evolution of the Enterprise Data Catalog: O'Reilly Author in Conversation - Seguridad - España y América Latina
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Jueves 30 de Nov, 2023
Today, enterprises are awash in data. How can data producers and consumers not just stay afloat – but find the data they need, and use it to make a meaningful impact? In his new animal book from O’Reilly, The Enterprise Data Catalog, data expert Ole Olesen-Bagneux reveals how a data catalog can empower people in organizations to discover and wield data to drive business success. Along with Olesen-Bagneux, here from Deb Seys and Jason Lim from Alation discuss how to organize data for your catalog, search for what you need, and curate data within the catalog for maximum impact. Olesen-Bagneux takes a data management and library and information science perspective to offer tips that will help catalog newcomers launch this platform successfully.
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