Code of Steel: Empower Your AD Security with a Resilient Password Policy - Seguridad - España y América Latina
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Jueves 9 de Nov, 2023
On the second day, we will focus on safeguarding passwords from hackers. Today, security and compliance demand a password policy with real strength. But let's face it, native tools often fall far short. Enter the game-changers: Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer and Netwrix Password Secure. You’ll discover how these solutions deliver powerful password enforcement that is also remarkably hassle-free. Bid farewell to the headaches and welcome security that's as sturdy as a rock. Your Active Directory will express its gratitude! Join this session to learn how to: - Set up a robust password policy for AD that isn't a burden on either users or IT teams - Prohibit weak passwords by using and customizing a dictionary and checking against the HIBP database of leaked passwords - Use predefined policy templates to simplify password compliance - Enforce the generation of policy-approved passwords - Ensure secure password sharing among employees
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