– 10 key questions on the asset class: the opportunities, the risks and the outlook Plus Live Audience Q&A – We explore with Francesc Balcells, CIO, EM Debt at FIM Partners, the opportunity set within EM debt, the risks, as well as the outlook for the asset class. In particular, we will consider the following questions: 1. What is EM debt and what is the EM debt opportunity set? 2. How does one maximise/navigate the opportunity set within EM given the diversity of issuers, currencies, and risks? 3. EM debt tends to do very well at the end of Fed tightening cycles – is this time different? 4. Is now the right time in the cycle to invest in EM debt? 5. How should investors think of EM debt in the context of global fixed income? 6. How is the case for EM debt evolving against a backdrop of tighter global financial conditions? 7. With de-globalisation taking hold, is the structural case for an EM debt allocation still valid today? 8. How should one view geopolitical risk? 9. How should one hedge for geopolitical risk? 10. Where are the best opportunities today in EM debt?


14:00 - 15:00 hs GMT+1


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