Master Data Management is another buzz phrase that has been around for quite a number of years. It waxes and wanes in popularity and tends to be at the impossible end of implementation. We all know that having our data mastered provides real business value – otherwise we would not keep hearing about “One View of the Customer” or “360 View of the Customer”. BUT typically, what happens is that someone decides MDM is needed, finds a tool and kickstarts an implementation. The very important questions may very well not have been addressed in the “ooooh shiny” process of acquiring this new tool. And if these are not asked, then the chances of success drop significantly, and you may very well end up with a less than shiny white elephant. So, let’s get pragmatic about MDM. * Why does it matter? * What are the use cases (YEP - those very important reasons for MDM) for mastering data? * What kind of MDM do we want? * Actually - do we need a tool, or can we look at our current data landscape and do what is needed without said tool? * What is needed to make it happen? * Is there an important executive here who can not only provide the budget, but is likely to be our sponsor and cheerleader? * Today outcome should be: Do you want to build YOUR case for MDM (or not)!


12:30 - 13:00 hs GMT+1


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